Dog Pool Safety – Pool Nets & Pets
Pets Need to Be Kept Safe Too
Some dog breeds can swim, but sadly there are still thousands that drown in pools every year. Have you thought about dog pool safety when it comes to your backyard oasis? We feel that investing in pet pool safety is a worthy expenditure to protect your beloved pet.
One of the many options available to keep your dog out of the pool is a pool safety net.
Our customers use their Katchakid pool safety nets for peace of mind; perhaps an older dog going blind, a new puppy, or dogs they don’t want to leave in the yard alone with an open pool. Blocking your pets from the pool also helps keep it in tip-top shape preventing pet hair buildup, scratches from nails, and other damage to the pool lining or plaster.
The mesh squares of a katchakid pool safety net are 3.75-inches square, so if you have a puppy of a smaller dog breed, a pool safety fence may be the best solution. However, Installing a pet safety net could be a viable choice if you have a larger breed of dog. There are no reported occurrences of dog injury from tangling up in a Katchakid pool net. Our pool nets will hold at least 485 pounds of weight, so a bigger, nimble dog could easily cross over the net in a few seconds.
Tips to Conserve the Integrity of Your Pet Pool Safety Net
Increase the lifespan of your net and safeguard your pet’s pool safety barrier by following the tips below:
For best dog pool safety – keep toys away from the pool. When a dog chews through a pool net, it’s often along the path of the pool’s water flow. If a toy falls into the water, they’re likely to do all that they can to get to it, including damaging your net.
Try to watch out for and prevent chewing of the pool net. If you see that your dog is chewing on the net, consider purchasing bitter apple spray or citronella from a pet store to curb their munching.
Minor animal damage to a pool net is repairable by using netting braid to make new mesh squares or by scheduling a service call with your local Katchakid office. Animal damage is not covered under warranty.
Check out our Team Katchakid photo gallery for more images of pets and children being kept safe from the dangers of unsupervised pool time.
How to Keep Ducks Out of a Swimming Pool
Ducks In Swimming Pool?
Do you have issues with ducks getting into your swimming pool? They may be cute to watch waddle around and swim in local ponds, but they can quickly turn a pristine pool into a disgusting one.
Not only is there the issue of duck droppings, but many ducks carry parasites. Keep reading to learn how to keep ducks out of a swimming pool because clapping your hands and yelling ‘Go away’ is not a sustainable solution.
The Problem with Ducks in Swimming Pools
Duck and goose droppings are a significant health hazard to humans. E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, or Cryptosporidium (Crypto for short) are a few of the germs contained in duck feces. While chlorine kills most bacteria within minutes, however, Crypto can survive for up to a week, even in the most well-maintained pools.
There’s also a danger to the ducks to consider. Drinking chlorinated water irreparably damages their kidneys, and they often drink water while they are swimming.
Protect your family and the local wildlife by keeping ducks away from your pool and spa.
Tips to Keep Ducks Out of a Swimming Pool
Sending Fido out to bark at the ducks and scare them away may work temporarily, but you can expect the waterfowl to return. Avoid the major health hazards of ducks in swimming pools with these tips.
Do not feed ducks or geese. You are rewarding them for coming to your pool if you give them food.
Reduce the grassy areas around your pool. Grass is a food source for many types of ducks and geese. Eliminate easy access from grass lawns to your pool by adding fencing or natural hedges.
Use an automatic pool cleaner. The movement of the pool cleaner under the water’s surface is likely to frighten ducks from landing in your pool. You may also want to try leaving inflatable animal floats in the water.
Install a pool covering. Blocking access to the pool with a Katchakid pool net helps our clients prevent ducks from entering their pools. Ducks may land on the net, but quickly understand they are unwelcome and generally do not return.
Prevent Ducks from Entering Your Swimming Pool with a Katchakid Pool Net
Our products, though made for safety, can help prevent ducks from entering your pool. If ducks are taking over your swimming pool, it might be time to install a pool net to keep them out. Katchakid installs many pool nets to prevent water birds and ducks settling in swimming pools. Our clients have reported back that their pool net has fixed their issue, that the ducks have typically returned a few times, and when denied access to the pool have then changed their pattern of behavior. Of course, these are wild animals so we can’t guarantee an end result.
Contact us if you need any help finding the right defense against wild ducks.